A web page about the stamps of the Camino de Santiago
The collection of the stamps is one of the requirements to be able to opt for the precious Compostelana, recognition granted after completing the tour of the Camino de Santiago.
A pilgrim has taken the task of compiling the different stamps, inspired by the cultural variety behind them. He has created a portal where he collects, not only the stamps, but stories about their provenance, meaning and where to get it.
A portal to share the record of your tour
The stamps keep curiosities about the Camino for the variety of places where you can get them, they are usually places that refer to the locality, symbolic particularities, personalities of the way, among others.
Some range from simple designs to more complex ones, always with their characteristic rudimentary touch. The pilgrim, Ángel Marcos, invites those stamp collectors to share their credentials in order to have a digital bank of road stamps www.lossellosdelcamino.com
What information does this website provide?
Most of the stamps are granted in hostels and refuges on the Camino de Santiago, serving as an informative appetizer about the town or the place where the stamp comes from. The author’s intention is to help dispel any doubts that may arise about the route you choose.
Thanks to the same stamps, the page works as a guide, making it easier to find where to seal. It has established complete routes of the Camino de Santiago and its different variants.
Stamp Catalog
He is very serious when he invites you to share your experience through your credential, especially if you have one that you consider unique. Helping to expand more information about the activity on the different routes of the Camino de Santiago.
In addition, you can view the different cataloged stamps, so far more than 2000 have been cataloged. They are all organized by category so that they are easier to find.
Collaborators Community
The same page has a network of collaborators where they add those they consider curious, sharing the experience to reach it and the information behind it. The idea is to create a network of pilgrims who provide as much information as possible about the Camino de Santiago.
Complete guide
Through the same information network, created around the collection of the different stamps, a dynamic guide of the different routes of the Camino de Santiago has been created. Establishing valuable and complementary information about the Camino in Spanish, French and Portuguese territory.
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